I want to be a stage actor and play on stages related to social issues like social care. By these stages, I want to utilize my experience.
Y.N. - participant of Endeavor 2021
Year of Participation : Third grade in high school
Many young people who have lost their parents or experienced separation from them come to Beyond Tomorrow. In other cases, young people who have lived in a children’s nursing home or foster home come to this organization from all prefectures in Japan. This organization helps them to become a person who will help support this society by sharing difficulties and opinions each other. Also, the organization supports society by the difficulties which they have experienced. In 2021, despite COVID-19, it was possible to hold the project by mixed mode which consisted of online and offline sessions. In this interview, a scholarship student in 2021 was interviewed about his activities which he had done in a year.
Question 1 : Were activties related to Beyond Tomorrow in a year satisfying for you?
Yeah, of course! Though I did not sometimes want to think about anything about topics which were very difficult to get good opinions by being compared with others, I was able to notice that “successful experiences make me confident and unsuccessful ones also give me a discovery which is impossible to know without them.” I also noticed “these experiences give me a strong mind.”.
Question 2 : Were there any differences about yourself through meeting people in Beyond Tomorrow?
Raised by foster parents when I was a child, I had felt loneliness before I met them because I had not had good chances to meet people in my age group who have similar experiences. So, I thought that I was the only one who suffers from the circumstance. By meeting people of Beyond Tomorrow and sharing backgrounds each other, I noticed that there are people who were raised in the similar circumstances. I also noticed that they are making efforts for their future. By this realization, I do not have to look back on my past hesitantly, but make efforts for my future because everyone who I met is working very hard. These changes began to come at the timing of the camp held face-to-face in August.
Question 3 : What is the most impressive thing in a year?
This is the program in August. In this program, I made a presentation about “What Can We Do for Achieving a Society Which Is High Resilience?”. By this presentation, I became confident because I could make a proposal which was satisfactory for me. In addition, I noticed that there is a perspective made from my experiences. By this, I can be proud of my circumstance which I had cursed, though it was impossible to get rid of my psychological injuries which I have suffered from.
Question 4 : What do you want to be in the future?
My dream is to be a stage actor. I want to perform a role related to social issues to utilize my experiences for a social contribution which dramas play, though I want to perform other roles. I also want to share my experiences with many people. I want to make efforts to make a society where people who are raised by foster parents like me are not specially treated. So, now I will study dramas very hard in my university and have interest in many problems in this society to widen my view. By doing so, I want to reveal strong points and possibilities of dramas.

I thought about my dream for the first time after entering a group home.
Akemi Nishizuka
Year of Participation : Second grade in high school

With my past experience, I want to provide a place for children with no parents.
Saori Morise
(Japanese) 参加年次 : 高校3年

I realized that this program was able to confirm a place which each person has.
K.H. - participant of Scholar 2021
Year of Participation : first-year university student

With my past experience, I want to provide a place for children with no parents.
Saori Morise
Year of Participation : Third grade in high school