(Japanese) 未来を担う若者の支援に
(Japanese) 市原明日香様
(Japanese) モデラート株式会社 代表取締役
(Japanese) 市原明日香様
(Japanese) モデラート株式会社 代表取締役
Mr. Jyunko Kobayashi
Chief Priest, Myogenji Temple (Katsushika-ku, Tokyo) and Former Chief Administrator of Nichiren sect
Mr. T.T.
Working for an IT affiliate in Tokyo
Sorry, but we accept credit cards only as a payment method for continuous support.
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In cooperation with the Shinrai Capital Foundation, our foundation is eligible for tax incentives for donations by completing the donation procedure from the following site. (For more information on tax incentives for donations to public interest incorporated foundations, please contact your local tax office.)
Donation Through Shinrai Capital Foundation
* Receipts will be issued by the Shinrai Capital Foundation when donating by the above method.
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If you wish to receive tax benefits, please make your donation through the Shinrai Capital Foundation indicated below.
In cooperation with the Shinrai Capital Foundation, our foundation is eligible for tax incentives for donations by completing the donation procedure from the following site. (For more information on tax incentives for donations to public interest incorporated foundations, please contact your local tax office.)
Donation Through Shinrai Capital Foundation
* Receipts will be issued by the Shinrai Capital Foundation when donating by the above method.
If you wish to receive tax benefits, please make your donation through the Shinrai Capital Foundation indicated below.
In cooperation with the Shinrai Capital Foundation, our foundation is eligible for tax incentives for donations by completing the donation procedure from the following site. (For more information on tax incentives for donations to public interest incorporated foundations, please contact your local tax office.)
Donation Through Shinrai Capital Foundation
* Receipts will be issued by the Shinrai Capital Foundation when donating by the above method.