“BEYOND Tomorrow” A Look Back on the Numbers
Number of Program Participants
Since our launch in 2011 up until 2020, more than 3000 students have participated in BEYOND Tomorrows Leadership Program. Initially targeted towards students affected by the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake, we have since expanded our scope and now support students from all across Japan.
(Year 2011~2020)
Number of Scholarship Students
By 2020, 149 high schoolers and university students have received scholarships and have been offered year-round leadership programs. Every year, out of hundreds of applications and following interviews, approximately 20 students have received various opportunities such as career support, scholarships, as well as domestic and overseas study tours. Although the numbers are small, the support we provide for each individual has been vital for their personal development.
(Year 2011~2020)
Number of Donors
In addition to corporate and individual donors who continue to support us every month, we also receive donations from Yahoo! Online Donation in the form of T-points. So far, we have received donations from over 5000 donors on this platform. The number of supporters for BEYOND Tomorrow continues to grow across Japan.
(Year 2011~2019)
Since the BEYOND Tomorrow launch, we have received support from both corporate and individual donors, which has allowed our operations to be funded entirely by the private sector. Additionally, in 2020, we have begun to receive bequest donations.
(Year 2011~2020)
Impact of BEYOND Tomorrow throughout the Years
Since 2011, we have been able to meet with students from various backgrounds and watch them flourish thanks in no small part to the support from all of you. Our scholarships and Leadership Programs have created opportunities for our students that have changed their lives drastically. BEYOND Tomorrow continues to strive to realize our goal for a diverse and tolerant society.