Global Fund for Education Assistance

I have been encouraged by young BEYOND Tomorrow participants

Mr. Hiroshi Minoura

Chairman and Representative Director, BofA Securities Japan

The relationship between BEYOND Tomorrow and Bank of America has been not just a simple tie as a financial supporter, but extends far beyond.
Our relationship started when the Great East Japan Earthquake hit us, and have extended into many areas, to which many of our staff, including myself, participated.

We all have enjoyed and also have been encouraged by overseeing the hard work done by the young members of BEYOND Tomorrow through various activities, like providing support and advice for the discussions to be held at the Leader’s Summits, English lessons before the trips to overseas, tutoring for the job interviews, arranging the meetings with our colleagues in Singapore, and recently, translation support for their website.

This year, in 2020, we have experienced a severe attack of COVID-19. Everybody at BEYOND Tomorrow has suffered the shut-down of schools, remote lectures, and no part-time jobs. And COVID-19 also has shown a significant impact on people around the world, and ironically, to the most economically difficult group of people.

As climate change and disasters have become more severe issues in recent years, we feel that the importance of realizing a sustainable society has been re-recognized by COVID-19. We have been trying to solve complex problems by setting our goal to establish a “responsible growth strategy” to establish the sustainable society. And we also feel it very important to accept the diversity and inclusiveness concepts (D&I) to a company like us, which has approximately 200 thousand people spread out in 35 countries.

I strongly believe that the young members at BEYOND Tomorrow have the huge potential to build a great and bright future by accepting diverse values with a high level of empathy gained through various difficulties which nobody else has experienced.

Let’s discuss together to create the bright and prosperous future ahead of us. We, at BofA, all look forward to seeing you all again.

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