Our Passion

On one hand, with technological advances and economic development, modern life has become significantly more convenient and plentiful. But on the other hand, there is an urgency to find solutions for various problems that society still faces: abuse and poverty on a national level, and environmental issues, as well as conflicts surrounding religion and the economy on a global level. In order to build a better society in the future, it will undoubtedly be necessary to grapple with complex questions such as the definition of freedom and protection of human dignity. We believe that, to pursue these efforts, it is imperative to acknowledge different value systems and to respect the opinions of each person who makes up this society. An intolerant society where each person sees her own values as the truth and is unable to accept different perspectives is a society that is unsustainable.
BEYOND Tomorrow believes in nurturing young people’s ability to shape their future society, especially those who were placed in socioeconomically challenging positions during their upbringing. In this vein, BEYOND Tomorrow is performing outreach via its educational scholarships and leadership development programs.
The core of our mission is not to help the vulnerable, but to realize a society that fosters the coexistence of different value systems. Young people who have suffered through adversities such as abuse or neglect, poverty, or the loss of a parent through illness, suicide, or separation have the power of empathy, where they can identify with others’ pain. The obstacles that they have faced are not a liability, but a gift. As they grow into active members of society, they will bring to the table and incorporate their invaluable perspective as people who know what it means to suffer. It is by letting those who are in the minority or who have not had a voice take the lead in planning that, as a group, we can amplify our long-term competitive edge, as well as achieve more harmony. We can see examples of this effect occurring in every field, including business, academia, and sports. As such, we hope that the youth who are supported by BEYOND Tomorrow are moving toward a future society that is open-minded and enriching.
Molding and improving society through the power of empathy is a challenge that will certainly take many years. For this reason, we believe that these youth should not be rushed to achieve their goals; in fact, each failure and setback is an important stepping stone in the long journey we are taking together.
We are not measuring our success by how prestigious the students’ careers are, or how influential their jobs are perceived to behave. Our hope is to help each student spread his wings and soar to his fullest potential. With each student that we can support in this way, we are making slow but steady progress towards realizing a society that is more tolerant and thoughtful. We see these effects going beyond the borders of Japan, eventually helping face the global challenges of refugees and poverty.
To support young people today who have faced adversity is to plant a seed for the future. These seeds will sprout and grow leaves, and eventually beautiful flowers will bloom. By continuing these efforts, we can create an entire field of flowers and change the landscape for the better. We hope you will join us in this journey. We are grateful for your support.

Minami Tsubouchi
Founder/Managing Director, Member of the Board
Global Fund for Education Assistance | BEYOND Tomorrow
Minami Tsubouchi is the Founder of BEYOND Tomorrow, a non-profit initiative that aims to bring about a compassionate society through fostering leadership among youths in adversity. Before starting BEYOND Tomorrow, Minami worked at McKinsey & Company in Tokyo, AAR Japan in Afghanistan, World Economic Forum in Switzerland, and Bahrain Economic Development Board in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Minami returned to Japan in response to the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami that devastated the country’s Tohoku region in 2011, and founded BEYOND Tomorrow with the belief that youths facing such challenging circumstances possess the power to transform their sorrow into leadership with a sense of compassion. Minami holds a B.A. in Policy Management from Keio University, and a Master in City Planning from Massachusetts Institute of Technology.