Global Fund for Education Assistance

BEYOND Tomorrow Summer Global Program 2015

~United States and Asia~


In the summer of 2015, BEYOND Tomorrow conducted the BEYOND Tomorrow Summer Global Program. The program provided an opportunity for high school and university students from Tohoku, who have overcome the adversities of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami and aspire to become global leaders, to visit the United States and the Philippines, to experience different cultures, to interact with leaders active in each region, and to consider their own role in society.


Program in the U.S. (New York and Boston)
Dates: August 4 to August 14

Select students with aspirations to overcome the adversities of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami and aspire to become global leaders visited New York and Boston. In the two cities, the students visited organizations and individuals that are working to improve the state of society. Not only did they learn about the history, culture and society of the United States, they also spoke about the current situation of Tohoku for American people.

See here for details

Program in Asia (The Philippines)
Dates: August 19 to August 27

Participants that experienced catastrophic natural disasters in Japan, Nepal and the Philippines visited Leyte, which suffered significant damage from Typhoon Yolanda, and had the opportunity to interact with youths of their age who had been affected by a natural disaster and to consider what could be done to reduce disaster risk in the future. The 9-day program provided opportunities for the students to share their disaster stories and engage in personal dialogue.

See here for details

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