Introduction of New Board Member

Appointment of New Council Member
Due to the retirement of Ms. Naoko Yamazaki as a councilor, Ms. Rieko Komiyama has been newly appointed as a councilor.
Mr. Komiyama was raised in a single-parent household and has been involved in the education field with the desire to “provide educational opportunities for all children.”
She is currently the director of the Study Sapuri Educational AI Research Institute and an associate professor at the graduate school of Tokyo Gakugei University.
As a speaker at the orientation program in March this year, she shared her life story and the ideas she gained from it, giving a big push to the participating students. We are happy to have her as our council and look forward to using her abundant knowledge and experience in education and developing our program together.
Message from the New Councilor, Rieko Komiyama
“I myself grew up in a single-parent home and had some difficult times financially and emotionally. But thankfully, there were adults who were always there to help me and I was able to keep learning.
By continuing to learn, many doors of opportunity opened for me.
Not only learning from a desk, but by encountering various people and cultures and broadening your horizons, you can deepen your understanding of yourself and society.
I am convinced that participating in BEYOND Tomorrow’s programs will provide each student with such an experience.
It is my great honor to continue to support the program in every way.”