Global Fund for Education Assistance

Thank you to everyone at for helping us translate! is a corporation operated on the “1-1-1 model ”, which integrates business with contributions to society. This time as a facet of community support, company volunteers from have helped translate a number of student bios from Japanese to English.

Here are the profiles that volunteers helped to translate

Endeavor 2020 Student Participant Profiles

Japan Future Scholarship Program 2020 Student Participant Profiles

Volunteer Reflections

Miyu Shimizu Co.,Ltd. Alliance
When I first saw the volunteer registration at our office to help with English translation for BEYOND Tomorrow, I had very little confidence that I could translate properly. However, I decided to sign up, hoping to learn more about the children’s situations and to be of help to them, even if what I could do was not much. Although the experiences and struggles of the children I got to know through the translation may have varied, I saw that all of the students shared a strong determination to value the perspective they gained from their painful situations, and keep moving forward. While reading through their profiles I felt the compassion and hope of the students, trying their best to learn and grow so that they can share with others who are also struggling the light they have found through their own painful experiences. Thank you for providing this rare opportunity.

BEYOND Tomorrow can operate our programs thanks to the generous donations and support of various companies. (Ways companies can support BEYOND Tomorrow)

We would like to take this opportunity to once again thank the volunteers from the corporation for their time and efforts.

BEYOND Tomorrow

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